Making Brushing Easier When You Struggle with Arthritis
Posted on 4/20/2018 by Lemond Hunter
Those who have arthritis find difficulty performing many of the day-to-day tasks. Writing, cleaning, cooking, and bathing can be very problematic.
One of the most troublesome tasks, when you have arthritis, is brushing teeth. It can be nearly impossible to hold the toothbrush properly or maneuver your hand in such a way where you are able to clean hard-to-reach places as well.
To ensure proper dental hygiene is practiced, adjustments may be needed to your dental routine.
Toothbrush Modifications
Needed modifications should assist in making the handle of the toothbrush firmer and wider.
While there is no uniform way of modifying the toothbrush to make it simpler to hold; some individuals have used a firm rubber ball; some use the rubber portion of a bike handlebar. Tools available at your local drugstore and online retailers have tools available that are designed specifically for making a toothbrush simpler to hold.
Electronic Toothbrush
Some electronic toothbrushes can be helpful for those who have arthritis. First, look for an electric toothbrush that is equipped with a wide, sturdy handle to hold. The width makes it simpler for those who have arthritis to grip the toothbrush while brushing their teeth.
The power of an electronic toothbrush is helpful at reaching hard-to-reach places. Cleaning the back teeth can be difficult for those with arthritis due to the pain in their hands. The design of an electric toothbrush allows you to reach those places without moving your hands into painful positions.
Flossing Tool
Flossing may be difficult for those who have arthritis because of painful hands. Using a flossing stick is one tool you can try to help make flossing simpler because only one hand is needed. Again, your local drugstore and online retailers would have these available.
Be sure to visit the dentist at least two times a year for checkups and professional cleanings. For further information about oral health care when you have arthritis, contact us today.
1739 NE 122nd Ave Portland, OR 97230-1914
Mondays & Tuesdays: 7 AM - 3 PM Wednesdays & Thursdays: 8 AM - 5 PM Fridays: Closed
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