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Home Patient Info Dental Blog How to Keep Your Lips from Cracking?

How to Keep Your Lips from Cracking?

Posted on 5/10/2019 by Lemond Hunter
How to Keep Your Lips from Cracking?Everyone knows that the dry, cold air can cause chapped lips. If you don't use any lubricant to protect them it will get worse. However, many people suffer from this condition at other times of the year, which means you can't blame old man winter.

There has to be another reason. The fact is, there are many other reasons that you can have cracked lips that are completely unrelated to the weather. Some you just have to live with and treat the cracked lips, but others are easily corrected and will make the condition go away completely.

What Are the Causes of Cracked Lips Besides the Weather?

One of the primary causes of cracked lips is a vitamin deficiency. A deficiency of Vitamin B6 is one of the primary preventable causes of cracked or dry lips. Vitamin B6 is essential to maintaining your metabolism. It also boosts your immune system. If you have a deficiency of Vitamin B6 you will have several symptoms, one of which could be cracked lips. Our tongue and mouth may also become inflamed. The B vitamin family is essential for your body's processes to operate smoothly and efficiently.

Several medical conditions, like arteriosclerosis, can also have cracked lips as a symptom, but you would also have far worse symptoms that would have caused you to seek medical attention. Licking your lips can also cause you to have dry and cracked lips as can mouth breathing. These are causes that you can control. If you want to lick your lips, apply lip balm instead.

How Do I get B6?

Obviously, you can simply get a bottle of B6 vitamins, but getting your vitamins from food is a much better route. Some foods that contain vitamin B6 are vegetables, like carrots, spinach, and peas. If you aren't a big veggie fan, you can find it in potatoes, milk, cheese, fish, and eggs, too. Let us help you review your diet. It may be easier than you think.


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Portland, OR 97230-1914


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