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Dental Emergency Portland OR

A woman's x-ray with a Dental Emergency from Hunter Dental Care in Portland, ORYou do your best to take care of your mouth. Preventative measures such as brushing, flossing, and biannual dental cleanings exams are all integral components for maintaining your oral health. However, even with the best care, accidents happen. Moreover, when a dental emergency does happen, it can be a scary situation. Dental emergencies vary in severity, and the exact treatment you need will depend upon your situation. At Hunter Dental Care, we can help you with your dental emergencies, enabling you to get the treatment you need to restore your oral health.

Dealing with Dental Emergencies at Home

When a dental emergency arises, it is easy to panic and rushes straight to the emergency room. However, many dental emergencies are not as severe as they appear, and can easily be treated at home. For injuries, such a bitten lip, tongue or cheek, place gauze over the wound and apply light pressure. This will help to stop the bleeding and facilitate clotting. You can take non-aspirin pain relievers or use an ice pack to help with pain. Typically, these types of injuries heal on their own in just a few days. However, if bleeding is severe, or lasts longer than 15 minutes, then urgent care should be sought.

Another injury that can sometimes be managed at home is a toothache. While toothaches can indicate an infection, they may occur because the food is lodged between your teeth. If you are experiencing a toothache, brush and floss your teeth thoroughly, and finish with a salt water solution. If nothing is stuck, or you suspect an infected tooth, call our office immediately to set up an appointment.

Treating Dental Emergencies in the Office

For many dental emergencies, we can provide you with the care that you need right in our office, and we will do our best to schedule you as quickly as possible. Emergencies we treat include:

•  Cracked or otherwise damaged teeth. Damaged teeth can lead to an infection if not treated quickly. When you come into our office, we will assess the extent of the damage and provide you with appropriate treatment.

•  Partially dislodged teeth. If your tooth has been partially knocked out, or pushed deeper into the socket, we can rest the tooth and place a split to hold it in place while you heal.

•  Teeth that have been knocked out. If you can find the tooth, it may be possible to replant it. Clean the tooth with cool water, taking care not to touch the root, and store it in a glass of milk or salt water. We can often set the tooth back into the socket and place a splint. If the tooth cannot be replanted, we will then discuss replacement options.

When Care is Needed in an Emergency Room

There are some cases in which it is in your best interest to head straight to the emergency room, or call for an ambulance. These issues include such things as:

•  Having difficulty breathing.
•  Excessive bleeding, or bleeding that does not stop after 15 minutes.
•  You think that your jaw may be fractured.

Dental emergencies can often be frightening experiences, but they can be treated with the right care. If you have any questions or concerns, call Hunter Dental Care today at (503) 256-3737.


1739 NE 122nd Ave
Portland, OR 97230-1914


Mondays & Tuesdays: 7 AM - 3 PM
Wednesdays & Thursdays: 8 AM - 5 PM
Fridays: Closed

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Dental Emergencies Portland OR | Hunter Dental Care
Dental Emergency Solutions in Portland, OR, offered by Hunter Dental Care. We are committed to your complete oral health and radiant smile! Call Today! (503) 622-9730
Hunter Dental Care, 1739 NE 122nd Ave, Portland, OR 97230-1914; (503) 256-3737;; 2/14/2025; Key Phrases: dentist Portland OR;